Here is your answer.
We love U.S. Soccer because we love this country even if it is socially awkward to do so. We appreciate the freedom to find our own destiny, won by the blood of our forefathers; and a modern economy that makes that destiny exceptional. We support the representatives and defenders of this nation, be they soldiers who risk their lives or soccer players who display our nation’s colors to crowds of hostile foreigners. Players like Paul Caligiuri, Earnie Stewart, Tim Howard and Michael Bradley have worn the red, white and blue with pride, and so do we. We have taken it upon ourselves to ensure that no matter where the representatives of our nation and our game may walk, they will never walk alone.
We love U.S. Soccer because we, like the Americans who have made this country great, are endowed with a uniquely tenacious will to overcome adversity and the strong determination that no achievement is unreachable. This American determination has seen our Founding Fathers risk their lives to stand against tyranny, it has seen the Wright Brothers take to the skies, it has seen Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon and Martin Luther King, Jr. free a people; and it is strong in our hearts and minds as we stand and sing for our soccer team. It is because of this determination that we and the players of the United States Men’s National Soccer team love our game, and why we believe that the USA’s greatest days on the soccer pitch are soon to come. Call us foolish, call us naive, call us out of touch. We are still Americans and we still believe that nothing is impossible.
We love U.S. Soccer because we know that no matter how we follow

This is why we love U.S. Soccer, and why we will continue to support our National Team. This is why there are more of us now than there were ten years ago, and why there will be more of us in ten year’s time. We dwell not on a disappointing past, but on today’s potential for a triumphant future. We do it for our team, for our country, and for each other. We are brothers, sisters, countrymen; we are the supporters of the United Sates Men’s National Soccer Team, and we are here to stay.
Amen to that!
Well put, it seems we aren't just a country of nascar loving football watching (the Tom Brady kind) idiots. US soccer is on the verge, the masses are organizing.
I love it!
Nice, Nice, and Wonderful
This is one of the most amazing blogs I have read. This is a true definition of an american soccer fan.
this blog is a definition of the life i live
Beautifully written :) It's so hard defending myself and the sport I love each and every day. Thanks for this.
Because the best day of my life was not the day my daughter was born or the day my son was born, it was the day I was in Suwon Korea in the stadium watching the "nobody" US team beat "#1" Portugal. Just don't tell my kids that!
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