My name is Eric Gunderson. I have been involved in soccer for as long as I can remember, but it was not really followed by anyone in the family so I really had no connection to anyone with soccer heritage until I got to high school. It was the summer between my junior and senior years in high school when the "middle of the night" World Cup was held. I begged my parents to get cable so I could watch it, and after brokering a deal had one of the most memorable summers of my life watching nearly every minute of the World Cup and absolutely every second of the United Stateˇs historic run. It is all history after that, I knew my destiny. I also figured out that no one would really know about the Nats if I did not turn them on to it. The big five sports really have a strangle hold on sports in America and our grassroots movement will hopefully bring football mainstream. We create so much buzz at the games. Let us create more. Let us be frightful. Let us be Outlaws.
Caps: 3 (WC 2006)
You look like a freak!
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